

发布时间: 2024-05-17 15:54:41北京青年报社官方账号





"China has made great progress, but if you reflect back, the Global Findex showed that we went from the low 60s to about 69 percent of people in the world covered in terms of financial access," Kim said, referring to the finding that globally 69 percent of adults, or 3.8 billion people, have an account at a bank or mobile money provider, up from 62 percent in 2014.


"China is today our biggest emerging market with a potential for growth that is already materializing year after year. It is a market that is opening up to our products and in which we have placed many hopes of future growth," he said shortly after the opening of the 20th Habanos Festival on Monday.


"China is a very broad market for Unilever. It is not a secret that most of the growth in the world in the next decade or so will come from China. We are highly committed to China and growing in China. In order for us to do that, we have got to make sure that we bring the best of our brands, products and technologies to serve the Chinese consumers," Jawa said.


"China is not only our largest market in the world but also a leader in innovation and related services," said Jochen Goller, president and CEO of BMW Group China. "It is thus a country of strategic priority for us."


"Canada's democracy can actually be undermined by a neighbour to the south that does not have those same belief systems or values," Sheridan told The Canadian Press. "Canada needs a really strong ally. ... It's a responsibility to vote."


